The interface of the component is as follows:

export type SDKGridSpacing =
  | string
  | {
      horizontal: string;
      vertical: string;
export type SDKColsAtSize = [number, number?][];

 * Renders a grid or slider containing look cards for the looks available for a certain product (provided productId).
export function LooksSliderOrGrid(props: {
  gridSpacing?: SDKGridSpacing;
  columnsAtSize?: SDKColsAtSize;
  productId: string;
  imagePlaceholderAspectRatio?: number | string;
  title?: string;
  className?: string;
   * If provided, will render as grid instead of slider
  gridOptions?: {
    maxRows?: number;
    viewMoreButton?: {
      text: string;
      startRows?: number;
      rowsPerClick?: number;
}): import("react").ReactElement<any, string | import("react").JSXElementConstructor<any>>;