The keen observer might notice that the displays lack one key ingredient: page urls (URL to the product page).

If you correctly add the display type to the DepictSearchProvider, you should also encounter a type error due to this. This happens because the Depict backend omits the page_url for performance reasons. We need to add it back in. If you need to add additional data to the product data you can also do so in this step. The advantage of doing it in the DisplayTransformers compared to the productCard is that the former is only ran once per server response, making it more suitable for making other API requests.

displayTransformers won’t be run for RecommendationSlider and RecommendationGrid, you’ll have to enrich the recommendations data before passing it to the component.

Adding page urls

Provide DisplayTransformers to your DepictSearchProvider like in the example below:

import { DepictSearchProvider } from "@depict-ai/js-ui";
import { en } from "@depict-ai/js-ui/locales";
import { YourDisplay } from "./display-types.ts";

const searchProvider = new DepictSearchProvider<YourDisplay>({
  merchant: "MERCHANT_ID",
  market: "MARKET",
  searchPagePath: "PATH_TO_SEARCH_PAGE",
  locale: en,
  displayTransformers: {
    products: options => { // the functions in displayTransformers can be async
      return => ({
        variant_displays: => ({
          ...variant, // here you can add any extra data you want, but must add page_url
          page_url: "/" + + "/p/" + variant.uri, // <- Change this
    categories: options => {
      return => ({
        page_url: "/" + + "/c/" + categoryDisplay.uri // <- Change this
For more in-depth information and examples, check out the reference