The third step is to initialise DPC with the information that’s critically needed to do any tracking. Execute this code once in your application.

const dpc = new DPC("merchant_id", { market: "market" })

(Note that the merchant_id and market should always be sent in lowercase letters.)

Once DPC is initialised the dpq global which can be used to imperatively send events also becomes available. See the DPC reference for more information.

Wondering what your MERCHANT_ID is? Depict engineers aren’t very creative here, so you can probably guess. Odds are it’s your company name or an abbreviation thereof, all lower case and only a-z or 1-9. Ask us if you can’t get it working.
Wondering what your MARKET(s) is/are? Me too. Ask a depict engineer or try something like se-sv, se-sv_SE or se.

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