Setting up your product card
Your product card components needs to meet some specific requirements
For both search and product listing pages, you need to set up your product card component.
We call the product data that you receive for each product card that you have to render display
That component will receive a display
of the type YourDisplay | null
is a type definition of your specific display. Please ask Depict for this.
If display
is null
, it means that there’s no data for this product card yet, and you should display a product card as close to the dimensions as the one you’ll display when you’ll have data, we’ll call this a “placeholder”. The placeholder serves as a loading indicator for users as well as enabling scroll restoration when going back and minimizing content shift.
The productCard
component has to return a HTMLElement
or HTMLElement[]
Example expected output of your product card component
`display` is `null`
`display` is `HoudiniDisplay`
Provided Placeholder components
You can use the ImagePlaceholder
component to display a placeholder image while the product image is loading.
You can use the TextPlaceholder
component to display a placeholder text while the product title or price is loading.
Read the reference for more information.
Displaying color swatches
export interface YourDisplay {
* The index of the variant to show in the variant_displays array
variant_index: number;
* All variants for that product - here you can, for example, get the color of each variant to display color swatches
variant_displays: YourVariantDisplay[];
// … other properties
Code example
You probably have an existing product card which you just can add placeholder functionality for. Here’s an example of how it could look like:
import { ImagePlaceholder, TextPlaceholder } from "@depict-ai/js-ui";
export function ProductCard({ display }: { display: null | YourDisplay }) {
const variant_to_show = display?.variant_displays[display?.variant_index];
return [
href={variant_to_show?.page_url || "#"}
{...(variant_to_show && "recommendation_id" in variant_to_show
? { "data-recommendation-id": variant_to_show.recommendation_id }
: {})}
{variant_to_show ? (
<div class="image-container">
{/* Use the first image in image_urls as the default image */}
<img class="default-image" src={variant_to_show.image_urls[0]} />
{/* Use the second image in image_urls as the hover image */}
<img class="hover-image" src={variant_to_show.image_urls[1]} />
) : (
<ImagePlaceholder aspectRatio={imgAspectRatio} />
<div class="text-container">
<div class="rec-title">
{variant_to_show.title ?? <TextPlaceholder height="1em" width="20ch" />}
<div class="price-container">
<span class="price">
{variant_to_show ? (
<FormatPrice price={variant_to_show.sale_price} />
) : (
<TextPlaceholder height="1em" width="5ch" />
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