SetupPageReplacer function

SetupPageReplacer is a function that can be used to layer SPA (single page application) functionality on top of a standard server side rendered webpage, for certain pages. An example use case is to instantly (without a server page request) navigate to the Depict search result page, or between one query to the next. PageReplacer works by listening to URL changes (performed via history.pushState), testing if they match the isPageToReplace criteria, then replacing a specified element with another element. The element that is replaced is specified by a CSS selector and usually represents the “main content” container of the page. The “replacement” works by setting display: none on the original content and adding the new content immediately after it in the DOM.

The following table shows the SetupPageReplacer’s configuration properties, their types, and descriptions:

(url: URL) => boolean

A function that returns true if the provided URL is a page where the replacement should be active.


A CSS selector that selects the element to replace.

() => HTMLElement | HTMLElement[]

A function that returns the element(s) which replace the “page” when isPageToReplace returns true.

("append" | "replace")?

If set to "append", the new element will be appended to the element that is found by selectorToReplace instead of replacing it.


The title that document.title should be changed to when page replacement is active.

Returns: A function that can be called to destroy the page replacer. This will reset the content to the original content if the replacer is currently open.

TextPlaceholder function

See placeholder components.

ImagePlaceholder function

See placeholder components.

onExistsObserver function

Checks and then observes the DOM for an element matching a selector and calls a callback when one is found.

The following table shows the onExistsObserver’s configuration properties, their types, and descriptions:


The selector to observe.

(element: T, disconnect: DisconnectFunction) => void

The callback to call when the element exists.

The onExistsObserver function returns an object with a disconnect function that can be called to disconnect the observer.

contentBlockStore function

A function that enables updating of content blocks dynamically. It returns two functions: getContentBlocksByRow, which returns the current blocks, and setContentBlocksByRow, which takes a new JSUIContentBlocksByRow-array and updates the blocks. The returned getContentBlocksByRow function has to be passed to CategoryPage/SearchPage.

The function signature looks as follows:

function contentBlockStore(initialValue?: JSUIContentBlocksByRow): {
  getContentBlocksByRow: () => JSUIContentBlocksByRow>;
  setContentBlocksByRow: (newBlocks: JSUIContentBlocksByRow | ((previousBlocks: JSUIContentBlocksByRow) => JSUIContentBlocksByRow)) => void;


A sparse array containing content blocks to show (or an empty slot or undefined if there’s no block at that index). The index is the row where the content block should be shown.

type JSUIContentBlocksByRow = (undefined | JSUIContentBlock)[];


The interface for a content block. Please make sure that you don’t have content blocks overlap as that will cause undefined behavior. The height of the content block will be the height of the tallest item in a row, so if there are no products in a row the content block needs to “bring its own height”. If you need to load any data in the content block, please make sure to return a placeholder while you’re doing so (see ImagePlaceholder), to avoid layout shifts and ensure scroll restoration works correctly.


Specifies how many columns the block should span. This value will be capped to the number of columns available.


Specifies how many rows the block should span.

"left" | "center" | "right"

Determines where the block should be positioned. Acceptable values are ‘left’, ‘center’, or ‘right’.

() => HTMLElement

A function returning one or multiple HTML elements to render in the block.

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